Covid Relief IV

Immunity Boost

Starting at


Our COVID Relief IV therapy delivers a powerful combination of vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream, supporting your body’s natural defenses during recovery from COVID-19. This treatment is formulated to reduce fatigue, enhance respiratory function, and boost overall vitality. It’s an essential tool to help you feel rejuvenated and strengthen your immune system in the fight against viral infections.

IV Ingredients:

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Glutathione, N-Acetylcysteine, B-Complex Vitamins, Selenium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Folate, Cobalamin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Electrolytes, Alpha-Lipoic Acid

IV Treatment Duration:



Custom IV Therapy Add-Ons

Add these custom IV enhancements and medications during the booking process.

Fluid 500cc

Add $75

Stay hydrated with an extra half-liter of fluids, perfect for rehydration needs.

NAD+ 50 mg

Add $150

Revitalize cellular health and boost metabolism with our premium NAD+ therapy.


Add $30

Relieve pain effectively with our fast-acting IV pain management solution.


Add $30

Combat nausea with Zofran, ideal for post-operative recovery.


Add $35

A fast-acting and effective anti-nausea medication for your IV.


Add $35

Ease stomach discomfort and acid reflux with a quick Pepcid infusion.

Lipo C

Add $60

Accelerate fat metabolism with a potent Lipo C shot for enhanced weight management.

Vitamin B12

Add $35

Boost your energy and brain function with our high-grade B12 shot.


Add $35

Strengthen your immune system with a Zinc boost, essential for health maintenance.

Covid Relief IV

Therapy Benefits

Immune Boost

Enhance your body’s immune defenses with a high concentration of Vitamin C and Zinc, crucial for fighting off viral infections and reducing the duration of illness. This blend helps stimulate white cell function, providing a natural defense against pathogens.

Energy Enhancement

Experience a surge in energy as B-Complex Vitamins and Magnesium work together to improve mitochondrial efficiency and combat the exhaustion commonly associated with post-viral recovery. This therapy helps to replenish your energy levels, making daily activities easier.

Respiratory Support

Fortify lung health with Glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine, which act as potent antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the respiratory tract. These key ingredients aid in maintaining healthy lung function and improving breathing capabilities.


Promote detoxification and cellular repair with Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Selenium, which help clear out cellular waste and enhance recovery from environmental and biological stress. This process is vital for restoring optimal bodily function and supporting overall health.

Have you considered IV drip therapy for Covid symptoms?

Do you have a lack of energy, feeling fatigue, brain fog or other symptoms such as muscle aches from a covid infection . These are just a few of the symptoms one can experience during a covid infection during or for a long time after. Long haul covid patients can also experience these symptoms for even months after a covid infection.

IV therapy for Covid

What we have found is that many people find at least some relief with IV therapies. This may also include standard medicines such as anti-inflammatory medications, anti-nausea medications for GI symptoms as well as extra fluids for dehydration. These are standard symptomatic treatments for many diseases.

NAD and IV therapy for Covid

One substance which we find really helps with mental sluggishness is NAD (nicotinic adenosine dinucleotide) which is a precursor to ATP , the energy molecule for the body. When combined with the energy producing B-Vitamins much of the brain fog and mental sluggishness may lift. Not everyone will experience these results, but we find the majority of our patients do. After the NAD IV many feel much more energy and with a clear mind.

How can mobile IV Hawaii help?

Our physicians and nurses are well versed in covid patients, some were covid nurses during the covid crisis working in hospital covid wards. All are well versed in IV therapy and licensed professionals in the State of Hawaii not some corporation who will hire any willing individuals no matter what the qualifications. We are local and have been providing IV services since 2014 in our office and the road.


NAD+ in COVID-19 and viral infections
Viral infection as an NAD+ battlefield
NAD+ in COVID-19 and viral infections

Proactive health is just plain smart. Boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, clear the fog and clean out your body with IV Vitamin therapy.

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